Mark Henderson: God laid on my heart to start Runners' Church Ministries in about 2012. However, the Potter still had some work to do with His clay. Ten years later, the vision for Runners' Church Ministries was reignited, and with the help of Pastor Jason Lee and our Church on MastersRoad in Manvel, Texas, Runners' Church was launched.
After downsizing "my life" where it fit into a pick-up and cargo trailer, I took Runners' Church on the road full-time in latter 2022. I am continually amazed that God counts me worthy to have a front row seat in all He is doing through this Ministry. ✝
As I try to shepherd this Ministry to reach as many runners as we can before we die, I try to be faithful to teaching the Word of God with all diligence and a clear conscience. Furthermore, while runners are the primary flock we serve, we are quick to serve whomever God puts in our path--to love people as they are, how ever their need might manifest. We believe Jesus really meant it when He said, "...Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, that you do to me." (Matthew 25:40)
Runners' Church-I

Brian & Melissa Zickefoose (Denver, NC): In answer to many prayers, the Lord has raised up a 2nd Runners’ Church! Brian and Melissa Zickefoose (and daughter Raylan) are joining the mission to bring church to where the runners run! Brian is a fierce ultramarathon competitor, and a mighty man of valor in the Army of the Lord. Melissa is runner and crew par excellance, but a passionate woman of God. Raylan, age 7, is an angel in sneakers with the purest, joyful passion for Jesus! Please join me in welcoming the Zickefoose family as the next Runners’ Church! And keep us in prayer as I share with them the right hand of fellowship in Runners' Church Ministry—and watch with excitement what God’s going to do through them! ✝
Runners' Church-II

Runners' Church-III
Larry & Melissa Sharp, and Kyle Stockton (Waynesville, MO): Again, in answer to many prayers, the Lord has raised up a 3d Runners' Church! Larry & Melissa have been married over two years and are wonderful Kingdom Lights; both have been blessed with jobs that are intertwined with their faith journeys and ministries: Serving God and serving people!
Larry is passionate about helping those the world might have written off—those struggling with addiction and mental and emotional battles. Melissa works to expand faith and fitness community, especially among the youth. They serve on Boards of Christ-centered charities, such as Free Women’s Center (trying to preserve at-risk new life) and 2nd Chance Ministry.
Active runners, Melissa and Larry are also Race Directors for the Bad Dawg Ultra and Frog Hill Half-Marathon. Melissa is also an Ambassador for the Bass Pro Fitness Series, Midwest Endurance Race Co., and Honoring Our Heroes Marathon, as well as a Hoka Flyer.
Kyle Stockton is an Army veteran who started running in January 2024, ran his first marathon in March, and attempted his first 100-miler in August. He’s paced and crewed Melissa, and others, and is looking forward to combining his two great loves: Jesus & running.
Kyle is a fired-up believer who walks the talk, bearing the good fruit. He has a passion for the lost, including “believers” blinded by the world, as well as “the least of these, my brothers and sisters” who the world ignores, such as homeless, addicts, the impoverished, and others.
Larry, Melissa, & Kyle are “family”, and are eager to collaborate as a team to bring church to where the runners run throughout the midwest (or wherever else God leads).
We are all excited to see what God’s got in store for the 3d Runners’ Church! Please join me in a loving welcome as I extend the right hand of fellowship to Larry, Melissa, & Kyle. ✝